Should You Cut Your Marketing Budget During a Recession? Although it may seem counterintuitive to spend money on marketing and advertising when enduring budget cuts or while in a recession, research has shown that companies that continue to advertise during economic downturns can actually gain market share from competitors.
As Henry Ford once said, “A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.” 2023, let’s do this! We’re bringing big, fun energy right from the start of this new year and can’t wait to keep going with all of 2022’s fantastic projects plus develop more ways to showcase your programs and schools.
How can we work with you in this bright new year? Contact our team to keep going in 2023! In a year that saw student enrollment bounce back from pandemic-induced lows, institutions embrace the tools of a digital classroom, and the cloud of uncertainty surrounding the future being lifted — you’d think 2022 was a return to normalcy, right?
There’s never a dull moment. One of the biggest challenges schools have faced over the past few years is the need to evolve strategies and tactics to boost international admissions. To gain insight into current practices among admissions professionals, Study in the USA and TOEFL created a webinar where three admissions professionals shared valuable insights into their current enrollment tactics.
What challenges are schools facing? Are you interested in strengthening your approach to international recruitment and admissions?
Join us for a live Zoom webinar on November 2nd at 12pm ET, featuring a powerful panel of experts who will be talking about the tools they use to boost international admissions. We’re proud to introduce to you our panel of guests: In-Person Fairs in Brazil Are Back! Study in the USA magazines continues to promote your programs at major fairs around the world. Last month, several U.S. school representatives met with students, parents, and counselors at EducationUSA fairs in cities across Brazil, including São Paulo, Recife, Fortaleza, Belo Horizonte, and Rio de Janeiro.
This Will Only Take a Few Seconds Gen Z has a LOT to take in. In competing for their attention, you have 8 seconds — we repeat, 8 SECONDS — to stand out. Fail to do so, and they’ll move on to another school that captures their attention.
We’re giving you 15-20 seconds to make your pitch. We wouldn’t be who we are without our students — because of that, we hosted a drawing for students who shared their experiences about studying in the USA and offered a $1,000 scholarship to our winner.
We couldn’t be happier to announce that Karin Eriksson from Santa Barbara City College is the winner of our scholarship! Here’s her story: Social Media Usage Is UpIn news that will surprise no one, social media usage has increased over the last year. The ICEF Monitor reports that while average daily usage is almost 7 hours online, in the Philippines, Brazil, and Colombia, it’s more than 10 hours. Much of this is on mobile phones, and 44% of the total time spent on mobile is on social media and messaging apps.
So, make sure that you’re paying attention to and connecting with prospective students on your social channels. Or, use ours! Over the past year, our Live Sessions on Facebook reached 7,600,828 people. Contact our team to set up a Live Session or a social media campaign today → If the past few years are any indication, traditional marketing methods alone won’t be effective in engaging with higher education prospects. Shifting regulatory and technological policies signals that you will need to get creative with where you look to for student recruitment. One such resource can come in the form of your institution’s greatest advocates and supporters — your alumni. Alumni relations can be a powerful force in guiding students to your institution and accomplishing your marketing goals.
The Power of Alumni It can be difficult to conceptualize the overall influence that your alumni have over prospective students. Each student has their own motivations for pursuing an American education, but the influence of alumni certainly has its place among those. From a brand-level perspective, there are a few ways. |