Should You Cut Your Marketing Budget During a Recession? Although it may seem counterintuitive to spend money on marketing and advertising when enduring budget cuts or while in a recession, research has shown that companies that continue to advertise during economic downturns can actually gain market share from competitors. As Henry Ford once said, “A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.” With the rise of social media, the world of marketing has seen one of the most significant transformations in history. Marketing online and on social media isn’t just a game changer to get more exposure — it allows your school to connect with prospective students on a personal level like we’ve never seen before. Start early, be consistent, and sustain your messaging — consistency and frequency in messaging are vital! Harness the power of marketing and advertising to create actual, tangible results and to receive a remarkable ROI --contact our team. 💡 Did you know? ⚡️ Students who are contacted as sophomores are 30% more likely to enroll than students who are contacted as seniors. Study in the USA Magazines Are a Crucial Part of Your Recruitment Strategy! Digital advertising is an important component of any marketing strategy, but don’t let it completely replace the use of print media. Our magazines are distributed at international student fairs globally and reach a completely different audience than or any of our digital platforms. Students and their parents take the magazines, read them, and keep and refer to them during the long and winding journey to a U.S. college or university.
It’s not print vs. digital —it’s print AND digital. What all of the statistics and studies tell us as advertisers is that the best marketing plans use a mix of both. Mix it up for success! Get in touch about print ad space now. ⭐ 2023 Vision Board Templates for Students ✨ Creating a vision board — a visual representation of goals and aspirations, often in the form of a collage or poster — can be a powerful exercise in goal-setting and focus. It can include images, words, and/or phrases for inspiration and as a reminder of planned-for goals. Please share our customizable and printable vision board templates with your international students — or anyone else who might enjoy them! They’re Canva templates that anyone can use. (Check out our Instagram Reel for a video with instructions!) Template Option 1 → Template Option 2 → “One of the things that impresses me most is that when I travel abroad, I actually see [Study in the USA’s] printed materials in multiple locations. This tells me that its distribution network is very impressive and is actually getting in the hands of students and parents in other countries.” —Southern Illinois University |