Reaching Students Worldwide with Engagement Across Every MediumYou already know that Study in the USA is a media company that helps colleges and universities attract and engage students through print and digital media. But how impressive is our global reach? Our Reach: 9.7 million and counting
Promote your programs through our award-winning magazines, websites, print, and digital content. Drive highly qualified students to you! Contact your Representative → Multi-platform: Search tools, campaigns, print media, social media, content & app, application services
Send Us a Message Now → Student Success Story: Farheen Navhi from India accepted to Marquette University“StudyUSA is one of the only platforms which gave me credible and complete information about any and every college or university I wished to know about. The sense of preparedness it gave me, regarding my ability to know what a university wants, helped me a lot. Besides, the involved staff of StudyUSA made sure I did not feel lost or alone in this process.” —Farheen Navhi from India accepted to Marquette University Every day, students around the world like Farheen are finding their dream school on Thanks, Farheen and we’re wishing you the best on your journey! Send Us a Message Now → Promote your programs through our award-winning magazines, websites, print, and digital content. Drive highly qualified students to you! |