Make Student Ambassador Bloggers Part of Your Marketing StrategyIf you have an exceptional international student, they might be interested in being a regular student blogger. Student bloggers are invaluable ambassadors for your programs and blogging is a great addition to the student’s resume. Here are some of our past student bloggers! Additionally, if you, your faculty, or students would like to contribute a story or short editorial to our blog and get free exposure, we have spots available. Contact your representative for more details. Send Us a Message Now → An Update on Student InquiriesSince January 1st, participants have received 133,267 inquiries from 178 countries! We have been sharing many ways you can increase the quantity and quality of your student inquiries. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you maximize your ROI on Send Us a Message Now → Responding to Student Inquiries- Please Do!Study in the USA has found that only a third of schools responded to student inquiries within 24-48 hours and only half of all schools responded at all. The schools that did reply did so multiple times—bravo! Studies have shown that students need nine, yes nine!, points of contact before applying. Responding to students is crucial to success. But surveys like these are also a reminder to check your spam filters and making sure your html emails are arriving in student’s inboxes. Contact us if you would like more tips on how to respond to student inquiries effectively. Send Us a Message Now → What Students are Saying about Us" showed me that education in USA is a real dream. It provide me with necessary information in a very professional way. inspired me to work hard on the way to enter the University in USA." —Katsiaryna Varfalameyeva, From Belarus, Arizona State University Everyday, students around the world like Katsiaryna are finding their dream school on Thanks Katsiaryna and we’re wishing you the best on your journey! Spots are available! Contact us if you, your faculty, or students would like to contribute a story or short editorial to our blog for free exposure. |